Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Changing Room Mishap (Commission)
(Commissioned by Tommy.)
"We find ourselves once again back in the raunchy valley of, Sunset City.
Caroline quickly closes the curtains of the changing room shut after having rushed herself in as quickly as she could. Not even a minute after entering the mall department store our young heroine's eyes fall upon an absolute bombshell of a milf strutting her stuff around the woman's section of the store. Huge melon tits. A perfectly thicc yet firm bubble butt that jiggles like jello with every step. And that outfit she wore left nothing to the imagination. All this had an immediate reaction for the lonely futa. She could feel her third leg quickly waking up, slithering up against her stomach and in between her supple breasts. Wide eyed and panicking, Caroline spots the changing room area and bolts for it.
Now that she was alone she has to relieve herself of all this stress before she could go back out to look for some better fitting clothes. Lugging around a 16 inch slab of pure cock meat isn't easy, so she thought grabbing some baggier clothes, or maybe a puffier skirt that hangs to her ankles would do the trick.
As she derobes herself she didn't hear the soft clicking of heels as the very same woman who put her in this situation stealthily parts the changing room curtain. She had seen Caroline's clearly defined bulge through her clothes and HAD to see it for herself. Suffice to say, she was far from disappointed."
(Bigger versions found on my Fanbox.)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Mega Legendary Pipe-laying (Commission)
(Commissioned by anonymous.)
"The police captain takes matters into her own hands, investigating the crime trail of the Bonne family and their supposed acquaintances."
(Bigger versions found on my Fanbox.)
SUBJECT: Mega Man Legends, Ryship Police, Yokan, Roxette
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Ember Reborn (Commission)
(Commission by QuarianLover)
Embony is being experimented with by daro'xen with Zusu'Naaris helped to change her Robloxian shortstack body to a tall, busty human body.
(Bigger versions found on my Fanbox.)
SUBJECT: Mass Effect, Quarian
Almost 3 weeks since she arrived in this new other world, leaving behind her apocalypse infested world with no memory of how, while she will miss her group that is like family to her but she quite loving this new other world as well living with an alien race that call themselves quarian's since they're who found her wounded & out cold behind an piled of supplies as they took her in.
Her biggest hell yeah moment that she finally found what she been dreaming before of her desired turn out to be the quarian, there huge double massive cocks tho it way bigger then how she imagine but never the less when the ritual of an orgy party to let her live with them by getting fucked, she officially was hook.
Daro'xen: "you ready in there Victoria "Embony" Maserati?" Call out front the background.
Embony breaking from her daydream experience to look side of the test tube she inside to see one of the scientist daro'xen who is leading this experiment she in & next to her is kal'reegar who she married to him as well, there are a few other quarian scientist around her as well but one that stick out the most is an small but very busty shortstack, Zusu'Naaris.
Embony: "you can call me by my middle name Embony or my other nickname "Ember" or "Emberon" but besides that yeah I'm ready." Her word may seem ready but her looks is nervous bit, remembering few hours ago that daro came to talk to her that I'm going be experiment to turn my whole blocky form into an human form as they said I seem to have similar DNA pattern to them & history. It also to avoid any suspicion if any other races see a walking block body that is not from around here.
Daro'xen: "I take it as a yes then, alright then I'm proceeding the experiment then, the implant in your molecular structure is now ready & safe for the change, Zusu'Naaris you're free to start transforming her alt form."
Zusu'Naaris: "sure thing doc." As the shortstack quarian begin to lift her hand aiming at the shortstack robloxian, embony not sure how to react on this part of the experiment till she see her hand glowing bright. "don't worry ember, I'm a bit of a pro at controlling my power but it may still hurt a bit."
Her body then is consumed by blue glow around her thinking it was going be one of those painful mess up transformation but instead her whole start taking shape, little bit pain but not an lot, it reminds her of an sailor Moon show she once watch of the main character body glow colorful & begin taking shape but her just glow a bright blue. What felt like 10 to 15 seconds, the glow around her began to fade away as she was transformed. She can definitely feel a whole lot of different, similar but with more extra something she can't describe, a reflection appeared inside the tube as she now got a full look at her new form.
Embony: "Actually holy fuc.. is this how a female human looks." Still in shock about her new body, face more detailed, fingers, her clothes, her feet & toes she can move was all too new, oddly looking at her tits & ass felt like they got a little bit bigger as well her lips.
"Zusu'Naaris, you by chance made my tits & ass bigger didn't you." Just as she finished her sentence a quick blue glow around her zipper & bra pull down exposes her private part in view for all the quarians to see her lustful body more.
Zusu'Naaris: "oh whatever do you mean by that~" an sarcastic tone with a hint of lust. leaving from her mouth as the hard-light that covers part of her ass, pussy & tits seem to turn off exposing her own nudity.
Embony then looks around seeing not just Zusu'Naaris naked but as well the other quarian's around her, daro'xen & the other female quarian's strip down their suit as they begin grouping their own huge tit's while rubbing their pussy. kal'reegar & the rest of the male quarian already nakde with throbbing & jerking off both their twin monsters' cocks while looking at the ladies & embony as it began to leak that sweet toxicity addiction percum she is all too familiar.
As all the quarian gather around the tube, Embony gave a small smirk as she licking her lips with lustful bedeyes look. She then grab both of her smooth chocolate milk tit's squeeze them together making them look more larger then start asking "which one of you want to try out my improved huge tits~"
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Femboy Delusions (Commission)
(Commissioned by anonymous.)
"Mistress Trinitys newest slave is obsessed with getting bred by her gigantic bitchbreaker. Trinity, in a moment of kindness, granted his wish. By stuffing him with gallons of cum until he was more sperm than boy. To further enhance her slaves breeding experience, Trinity even gave him massive new tits. Finally, she broadcast the entire 9 month long process to the entire world."
(Bigger versions found on my Fanbox.)
SUBJECT: futanari, Femboy, hugebreast, huge_cock, cumflation, mpreg