
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hetero Dualism (Commission)

(Commissioned by LPM and @TheBigKachowski.)

"With two lovely ladies, one scarlet, one golden, sambaing their buxom erotica for a respective audience. Both do so at cross purposes for their similarly scintillatingly nubile patron(s).

The former derives ecstasy in charming the next generation of horny hunks, each of her salacious buds marveling at such bountiful curves on said entertainmer as she flaunts her stuff with every motion of the sultry lap dance.

While her opposite end has crueler and far more domineering aspirations with thier only purveyor at heart. Having fed said young stallion equin supplements as a perverse joke, only to become hooked on the monstrous poker that sprouted as a result. Now her wickedest impulse to straddle her sibling every turn of season also includes affirming her hold over his heaving nuts with a goatish temptation hop.

Smiles curl upon both girls luscious lips, as Val's lustful soul finds elevation at the sight of her adoring fans appreciative leering. Taylor's black heart rumbles after spotting Markus's bulge strain, indicating his yearnings will cement his indefinite servility. Indenturement to evil incarcerate notwithstanding."


(Full versions found here.)
(Bigger versions found on my Fanbox.)

SUBJECT: incest

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